HTML-5, CSS-3 Web Development

HTML-5, CSS-3 Syllabus

Part 1 - Getting Started
Lesson 1: Course Introduction
Lesson 2: Course software
Lesson 3: What is a HTML and HTML 5?
Lesson 4: Getting started with tags
Lesson 5: How to save web pages
Lesson 6: Viewing your web pages
Part 2 - Basic HTML Tags
Lesson 1: Basic HTML template
Lesson 2: Heading Tags
Lesson 3: Paragraph and Break tags
Lesson 4: Bold and Italics
Lesson 5: HTML lists
Part 3 - Getting started with CSS
Lesson 1: Introduction to CSS
Lesson 2: CSS rules
Lesson 3: Where to put your styles
Lesson 4: Using CSS selectors
Lesson 5: Inline and Embedded styles
Lesson 6: CSS and Fonts
Lesson 7: Font colours
Lesson 8: Font Sizes
Lesson 9: Styling Fonts
Part 4 - Dealing with Images
Lesson 1: Types of Images
Lesson 2: Inserting Images part 1
Lesson 3: Inserting Images part 2
Lesson 4: Image Attributes
Lesson 5: Images and CSS
Lesson 6: Text wrapping with CSS
Lesson 7: CSS and image borders
Lesson 8: Background Images
Lesson 9: Adding captions to images
Part 5 - Linking to other pages
Lesson 1: Hyperlinks
Lesson 2: Linking to other pages
Lesson 3: Other types of hyperlinks
Lesson 4: CSS and hyperlinks
Lesson 5: External stylesheets
Lesson 6: HTML lists and nav bars
Part 6 - CSS Layouts
Lesson 1: The Box Model
Lesson 2: CSS Comments
Lesson 3: CSS Positioning
Lesson 4: CSS floats
Lesson 5: A one column CSS layout
Lesson 6: Styling the one column layout
Lesson 7: Styling HTML 5 tags
Lesson 8: A two column CSS layout
Part 7 - HTML 4 and HTML 5 tables
Lesson 1: HTML 4 Tables
Lesson 2: Row and Col span
Lesson 3: Table alignment, colour, images
Lesson 4: HTML 5 Tables
Part 8 - HTML forms
Lesson 1: Form Tags
Lesson 2: Textboxes, Submit, Reset
Lesson 3: Formatting Textboxes with CSS
Lesson 4: Labels, Text areas
Lesson 5: Option buttons and Checkboxes
Lesson 6: Passwords, Hidden fields
Part 9 - HTML5 and Forms
Lesson 1: HTML 5 Forms
Lesson 2: Placeholders, Required
Lesson 3: Email, URL, Search
Lesson 4: Spinners and Sliders
Lesson 5: Dates, Colour pickers
Lesson 6: Data Lists
Lesson 7: HTML Form Layouts
Lesson 8: HTML 5 Video and Audio
Lesson 9: The HTML 5 Canvas tag
Lesson 10: Details, Aside, Mark
Part 10 - Getting your site on the internet
Lesson 1: Websites and Domain Names
Lesson 2: What to look for when buying Webspace
Lesson 3: Search engine optimisation
Lesson 4: Pay per click advertising
Lesson 5: Sitemaps
Part 11 - HTML and CSS Reference
Lesson 1: Basic HTML Tags
Lesson 2: CSS Font and Text Properties
Lesson 3: CSS Borders, Margins, Padding
Lesson 4: CSS used in the Lists section
Lesson 5: CSS used in the Positioning section
Lesson 6: HTML images and hyperlinks
Lesson 7: HTML5 Layout tags
Lesson 8: HTML and HTML5 Table tags
Lesson 9: HTML and HTML5 Form tags
Lesson 10: HTML5 Video and Audio tags
Lesson 11: HTML Special Characters
Part 12 - Live Project Training